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MK McClintock's Blog

Beyond the Books and Between the Pages

Slow down, relax with a good book, and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

Discover courage, wisdom, and peace.

Letting Go ~ #UpbeatAuthors

IN A WORLD filled with noise: people, ads, commercials, politicians, friends, and more telling you how you should think, what you should buy, or what you should do, it's important to listen to that voice inside that tells you, "This is right," or "This is wrong," or "I have no use for this." It's too easy to fall into doing what everyone else is doing, but worse when it's not what you want, need, or believe.

“They should know the truth, as I know it, and as you refuse to believe it.” –Rhona Davidson in Blackwood Crossing

When we listen to our heart, our intuition, and do what we know is right and good, we find doubt, uncertainty, and fear easier to overcome . . . at least in my experience.

Do you listen to your heart, your intuition?

And because I enjoy sharing these music videos, here's "Tongue That Cannot Lie" by Karine Polwart. It seems to fit (kind of), and I like the song.


Search for weekly doses of inspiration and positive messages on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest using the hashtag #UpbeatAuthors. Thank you for sharing positive thoughts!

The last week or so I've not woken up at my usual 5:30 AM. At first I was annoyed because I like to get a lot done first thing, but then I started having these extended dreams. I would find myself literally inside one of my works-in-progress.

It's how I finished Journey to Hawk's Peak . . . a dream! I had become Amanda, which wasn't a hardship because she gets Ben, and he's wonderful and strong and charming and loves her dearly. Except one of the scenes in which I had become a part of the story, Amanda wasn't having such a good time. I didn't find that enjoyable, but it was a rush! Danger, romance, adventure . . . I didn't want to wake up!

Hawk's Peak Ranch is a magical place for me, and any time I can be there with my characters, I'm a happy writer.

For those who have asked about the release date for Journey to Hawk's Peak, I should know in a few days from my editor, and will be sure to announce it. And for those who have asked if there will be more stories in the series, the answer is yes. I have two novellas planned, and then I'll go from there. I often think that some of the characters in Briarwood deserve little stories of their own.

If you haven't already met the Gallaghers or their friends of Hawk's Peak, you can discover where it all began with Gallagher's Pride. Available in e-book, paperback, large print, and audiobook.

The stunning images in this post are from Pixabay. Visit the contributor's page.

Vermont Spring_MK McClintock


Wintertide, cozy and sheltered,

descends as life renews,

asleep now under flowering turf.

Blossoms, bountiful and sweet,

awaken and spring from

beneath Earth’s heart.

Hills, glorious and green,

nourished in dew,

welcome wee beasts.

Budding wings, fair and sure,

flutter and frolic

above periwinkle vines.

Springtide, fresh and vibrant,

cherished by hope,

rouses from her frosted slumber.

~ MK McClintock

edited by Verna Cole Mitchell

While I'm always a bit sad to say goodbye to winter, there is a beauty in spring that cannot be found at any other time of year. I welcome the sound of birds chirping and flowing streams of glacial water, sunny days and snow-capped mountain peaks while blossoms begin to show on trees. Spring is a magical time.

What is your favorite season?

These images are all from my time on a farm in Vermont. Spring arrives earlier there than here, and since we still have snow on the ground, I thought these suited spring better than more winter images, of which I have plenty.

Vermont Spring_MK McClintock

Vermont Spring_MK McClintock

Vermont Spring_MK McClintock

Vermont Spring_MK McClintock

Vermont Spring_MK McClintock

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