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MK McClintock's Blog

Beyond the Books and Between the Pages

Slow down, relax with a good book, and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

I'm excited to share the newest releases in the Whitcomb Springs series! "Unchained Courage" (by moi) and "The Unwitting Hero of Whitcomb Springs" by Samantha St. Claire. If you're new to this series, you can take a look at all currently available stories HERE. Mine are in chronological order, so they read like an ongoing saga, but ALL of the stories can be read in ANY order.

Journey to the little mountain town of Whitcomb Springs, Montana, and meet a delightful group of settlers whose stories and adventures celebrate the rich life of the American West.

"Unchained Courage"

Montana Territory—1865

Daniel and Evelyn Whitcomb dreamed of adventure as they made a home in the Rocky Mountains. Four years after Daniel left Montana, he returns from the Civil War a man uncertain of where he belongs. Through courage, honor, and the arrival of an old friend, Daniel finds a way back to the life he once imagined. Join him in “Unchained Courage” for a lesson in the power of hope, faith, and remembrance.


"The Unwitting Hero of Whitcomb Springs"

Montana Territory—1884

Drawn by the romantic stories of brave men carving a home out of the Montana wilderness, Rebecca joins her sister in Whitcomb Springs to find a real man, a man of heroic dimensions. What she finds is Roper, a man of dubious dimensions. But looks can be deceiving and Roper may turn out to be just the hero she’s not been looking for.

Learn more about Sam and her wonderful books at

We hope you enjoy these newest installments! These stories have been so much fun to write. You can expect a new story to pop up now and again in between novels and other series.

Please let us know what you think! We both enjoy hearing from readers.

Be well, be kind, and stay bookish!


I've come and gone from Montana a few times, mostly throughout my twenties, on a quest for that "something greener" on the other side of the fence. Some called it running away, I called it exploring. I would ask, "How will I know what I want unless I live in a lot of places first?" I'm grateful for those years of fun and exploration, but I'm even more grateful that I discovered how much I love the wondrous and seemingly never-ending peaks of the Rocky Mountains.

Montana mountains on a cloudy day. ©MK McClintock
My neighbors on a cloudy day. Image by MK.

These mountains inspired my first stories, and brought me together with my beloved Gallaghers. They gave me the loving and interesting characters of Crooked Creek, and they've provided a backdrop for Whitcomb Springs and the courageous men and women who call it home.

©MK McClintock
Horses on a cloudy day. Image by MK.

I feel as much affection for Scotland as I do for these mountains, but this is where I live. This is home. It inspires me daily, and I like knowing that if everything else in my life went awry, I would still have them.

The world and society are fluid creatures, and I've always done better with the reliable four-legged kind that eat grass or the furry friends who curl up on my lap. I spend far too much time trying to figure out how to make it all STOP! I can't, of course, it's folly to even spend time thinking on it, but I do. I want everyone and everything around me to slow down, breathe, take a break and let the current "new thing" have a chance to make an impact before the "next new thing" is introduced.

©MK McClintock
Cows in a pasture, because they're cute, too. Image by MK.

Enter writing, and the mountains. My solace in the storm of craziness. My comfort in a moveable world. My escape from the ruckus. For some authors, it's about making money. For others, it's about the joy of writing. For most, it's about both. For me, it's about fulfilling a dream every time a new book is published. No, it's more than that. It's about the daily escape. If I spend five minutes or five hours in the worlds I've created, writing or thinking about them, I've fulfilled that dream.

What is a dream you've always wanted to have come true?


This is "Going Home" by Mary Fahl. It's a stunningly beautiful song that I listen to in one of my writing music rotations. Enjoy!


Have you visited The Captivating Quill yet? Me and a few other authors each post once a month, and on Wednesday we host fabulous guest authors who share excerpts from recent, new, or upcoming releases. There's also an annual giveaway. Don't miss it!

In this moment, are you optimistic?

Fostering Optimism ~ #UpbeatAuthors

Brenna handed the book to Catie. “Every child should have a copy of their own Treasure Island.”

Catie watched as Brenna walked away to speak with Isabelle and the shopkeeper. Her eyes drifted downward to gaze upon the book. She allowed herself that moment of wonder and smiled. It felt good to smile for no reason other than she was happy. Catie didn’t know how long it would last, but she was tired of fearing her future. She longed to believe Ethan and Brenna when they said everything would be all right. –From An Angel Called Gallagher

Because Baloo is one smart bear.

Search for weekly doses of inspiration and positive messages on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest using the hashtag #UpbeatAuthors. Thank you for sharing positive thoughts!

Don't miss my monthly posts and a lot of wonderful guest authors at The Captivating Quill blog!

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