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Mini Post: Winter Beauty, Inspiration, and Times Gone By

Pretty, isn't it? No, that's not a question; it is beautiful in this part of the country. I selfishly wish that it was less populated and that fewer people came through here during the summer, but it's nice to share the beauty of the area with others.


I remember when I first came to Montana in 1999. What a different place it was back then, and oh how I miss it. I'd already spent most of my life in the Rockies, so it was familiar, yet wilder and grander in some ways. Land that was once farmed and used as recreation has been bulldozed for shopping centers and box stores no one needs. It's to the point where I venture into the neighboring "city" once a month (often less) as I prefer to remain in my smaller town. I often wonder if I'll stay here or go in search of someplace quieter and a bit more off the grid. I am looking.


I will say that without my time here, I may not have written that first Montana Gallagher book, the book that started it all, (or the Crooked Creek series, Whitcomb Springs series, and other books that followed) and I'm grateful for the inspiration this place offers, not to mention the scenery.

Speaking of inspiration, the temp outside has warmed up to a nice -12°F with a feel of -25°F  (as of this posting) and a deceptively bright sun that beckons one to venture outdoors, until you do and realize it's a tad chilly, so I'm staying cozy and warm inside with words floating around in my head waiting to be put down.

The new manuscript is with my editor, so I have edits to look forward to soon.

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