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Mini Post: Discovering a Dream

Snow is falling. Again. Though not a lot. Again. This morning there was a layer of ice everywhere. Again.

It's been an odd winter.

Thank goodness for baking and books. Cakes, cobblers, muffins, breads, and more have filled the house with delicious scents all winter long. Studies (somewhere, and no doubt super scientific) have shown that engaging in baking activities can reduce stress levels, improve focus and concentration, and even boost overall mood and well-being.

I'm in 100% agreement.

The aroma of freshly baked bread, the sweet fragrance of muffins just out of the oven, and the tempting smell of a warm slice of cake will always be a cherished part of my childhood memories, and they are kept alive by the making of new and everyday kitchen adventures.

These memories are what prompted me to attend culinary school with dreams of opening a French bakery or becoming a world-renowned pastry chef. Thank goodness I started writing and discovered a new, deeper dream that allows me to be chef, baker, rancher, duchess, agent, and so much more across so many times and in a variety of places.

It is never too late to discover a new dream.

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