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Upbeat Authors ~ Finding Balance

"Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy." ~Robert Tew

Finding balance . . . as someone who struggles with it daily, I'm hardly in a position to offer tips of my own. Authors struggle to find time for their writing and for their real life, but this isn't unlike what almost very other person who has multiple passions, hobbies, and careers face. However, there are a few things I've learned, and when I "allow" myself to adopt these practices into my routine, I find what I believe resembles a balanced life.

  • Set specific goals and don't be afraid to dream big, but on balance, don't let yourself become overwhelmed with trying to do everything, be everything, or achieve everything.

  • Prioritize what's most important and don't be afraid to let some of those less-important dreams go.

  • Stop comparing your life, your progress, and your goals to others. Trying to live up to an idealized version of someone or something that isn't real and will only stall your progress.

Albert Einstein said, "A quiet and modest life brings more joy than a pursuit of success bound with constant unrest."

  • Disconnect in the evenings and over the weekends. Stepping away from computers, phones, and meaningless gadgets will give you more time with family, friends, or time to achieve some of those goals and dreams you've mapped out.

  • Don't be afraid to say "No!" If it's not essential, doesn't help you grow or add value to your life, let it go. As Robert Tew said, "Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy." To me, this is the key to finding balance.

What do you do to find balance?


#UpbeatAuthors was originally launched by author Trish Milburn in 2017. Most of those who participated carried it through 2018, and a few went a year or two beyond. I've decided to revive it for 2023, at least on this blog, for a year of positivity.

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